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제목 [Review] Roscoe Century Standard 5
작성자 베이스컬렉션 (ip:)
  • 작성일 2012-03-29 15:43:49
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  • 조회수 2173
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2009년부터 Roscoe Guitars의 공식 딜러로 선정된 저희 Music Force가 야심차게 들여온


'Roscoe Guitars Century Standard 5' 모델에 대한 많은 사용기가 해외 유명베이스 잡지에 속속


올라오고 있습니다. 


중 하나의 기사를 Roscoe 홈페이지로부터 발췌하여 소개시켜 드립니다.



Bass Musician Magazine: Bass Gear Reviews

Roscoe Guitars Century Standard 5, 11/12/2008
Roscoe Guitars
Review by Jake Wolf


The Century standard on the other hand is the simplest, most stripped down offering from the boys at Roscoe, and it's designed to fill a void in the handmade bass market.  Luthiers who have been known for decades for their high quality, custom/boutique axes are now starting to add to their line models that advertise the same quality control and materials as their revered US models, in a lower cost import version. The MTD Z series, Zon RT-K, Lakland Skyline, Conklin's Groove Tools and Sadowsky's Metro basses are a few that immediately come to mind.  These are all fantastic instruments, and to be honest, the build quality of import axes is not at all what it was ten years ago, many of the instruments landing in US stores from abroad these days are extremely well made, and the above mentioned basses are all testaments to this fact. It should be noted that most of the above mentioned imports make a pit-stop at their US headquarters fro final QC measures before hitting the shelves. The thing is, there are not a lot of builders making their lower end models entirely in their US shops, by the same guys, with the same tools, materials etc... that create their upper end models.  Enter the Roscoe Century Standard.  This bass is made entirely in the USA, with the same electronics and hardware that go into their $3750 SKB/LG 5 string basses.  From the Roscoe-Bartolini NTMB preamp to the Hipshot A style bridge to the graphite reinforced neck, this bass is a Roscoe through and through. 
'수 많은 하이앤드 메이커들이 자신들의 이름을 단 우수한 저가의 모델(The MTD Z
series, Zon RT-K, Lakland Skyline, Conklin's Groove Tools and Sadowsky's Metro)을 생산하고
있으나 본 모델처럼 온전히 전체 공정(파트 생산부터 조립과 검수등등)이 미국내에서
행하여지며, SKB/LG5모델들에 장착되는 일렉트로닉스와 하드웨어를 똑같이 공유하는
메이커는 없습니다.
이 모델은 뼛속까지 부인할 수 없는 오리지널 Roscoe입니다!'

Construction:  The standard comes with a one piece ash body that features an enhanced grain, black satin finish.  The satin felt great to the touch and contributed nicely to the overall excellent fit and finish.  The three piece maple neck is securely bolted to the body, the neck itself a departure from the familiar multi-laminated neck found on their SKB/LG offerings.  Impressively, it contains the same graphite reinforcement and truss rod assembly as its big brothers.  Fingerboard options include maple or rosewood and the uncapped, unpainted headstock look simple and clean.  Bartolini is the chosen electronics package for this bass, with its passive style "CB" pickups and Roscoe spec. NTMB 3 band preamp.  The hardware package is rounded out by top of the line Hipshot ultralight tuners and their Roscoe spec'd A style bridge, the same hardware as is found on their upper end models. 
이 단락은 스펙을 설명하고 있습니다.

Features:  There are several cool noteworthy features to mention about the Century Standard.  As I mentioned, the finish is exquisite.  I really like the look and the feel of the black satin finish.  It is protective, low maintenance, and allows the wood grain to be felt on the surface, creating a smooth organic vibe.  The bass arrived with a killer setup, it was perfectly intonated and the action was staggeringly low.  I prefer the action a little higher, but that super duper low action really showcased the quality of the fretwork on this bass.  With a soft touch the notes rang clear and open, there was no buzz and no dead spots to be found.   The Low B is Roscoe pedigree all the way: Big, bold, articulate, authoritative, never blurry or unfocused.   Bartolini's NTMB preamp offers 3 bands of boost/cut and also has a handy push pull option on the mid control pot to select between 2 affected frequencies. I found this to be particularly handy and ended up using both positions to help me dial in different situations. 
수수하면서도 매력적인 black satin 피니쉬와 본사에서 제공하는 최상의 펙토리 셋업의
강점을 설명하고 있습니다.  

Real World:  The Century Standard possesses a quickness and zing that really helped it cut through a busy band mix.  It has an upper mid/treble presence that does not translate to overly bright, harsh or aggressive as some other basses with this tonal quality can tend to possess. I would call it assertive without being rude or brash.  The overall tone was quite pleasant, the powerful preamp delivering a wide range of tonal options.  I was able to easily dial in focused yet huge dub reggae low end, burpy bridge pickup jazz tones, meaty yet classically hollow p-bass tones from the neck pickup, as well as a nice hifi piano-like tone from the bass.  Ergonomically speaking, I found that the bass hung just right on a strap, its lightweight and slim neck did a great job keeping me free of fatigue on a 4 hour gig.  The balance from string to string is nice and even, and the lack of dead spots in the neck allows unhampered travel up and down the fretboard.   I used the standard on a Latin gig and it did a great job of sitting "in" the mix while still maintaining a juicy articulate presence, its notes jumping out of the fretboard with a strong edgy quickness.  
'타 모델들에게서 보이는 현상(중음대가 지나치게 밝게 강조되는 점, 중음대가 과도하게 과장되는 점등)이 나타나지 않습니다. 
재즈베이스적 성향에 더하여 프레시전의 톤도 뽑아낼 수 있습니다. 
슬림한 넥의 두께와 가벼운 무게, 우수한 연주감등은 장시간 연주에도 유리합니다.
현간의 밸런스도 매우 뛰어날 뿐만 아니라 데드스팟도 찾아보기 힘듭니다.'

My conclusion about the Century Standard is that it hits its intended mark on the nose.  This bass proves that it is possible to buy an expertly built, American made bass that looks and sounds every bit as classy as its venerable upper class extended family for just under $2200.  If you're a six string slinger, I don't know of any other entirely US made 6 string from a prominent established luthier for less than $2500.   In my research I was unable to find this approach being taken by another American luthier.  Lower cost offerings by boutique builders?  Certainly.  Made in America, in the same shop, by the same staff, with the same parts as the upper models?  I don't know of anything that hits the same price point, with the same features, from a luthier of that pedigree.  Kudos to the boys at Roscoe, They have succeeded in creating something that truly stands out in a crowd, and at the same time appeals to the sensibly frugal rationale that's oh so appropriate these days.
'결론적으로 말하자면 2200달러 이하의 가격대로 로스코 상위 모델들의 사운드를 우수
하게 구현할 수 있는 큰 장점이 있습니다.(6현인 경우 2500달러 이하)
미국에서 동일한 팩토리 직원에 의해 동일한 parts을 사용하여 생산되는 저가형 베이스
모델은  'Century Standard 5'가 유일합니다.
역시나 이 모델의 가장 큰 장점은 요즘같은 경제 불황 속에서 우뚝 설 수 있는 가격경
쟁력이 아닐까요?'


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